Bloomverse Quantum Chests

Get an edge and Win Big!

The mission is to create the largest community of Web3 gamers through the BLOOM ecosystem, leverage our numbers and voting power, take all influence and control from Web2 and into our hands. It’s time for our gaming skills to pay off, and for gamers to maximize real life rewards. The journey starts here. Are you with us?

The Bloomverse Quantum Chests are the first items released to unlock in-game advantages in the BLOOM ecosystem, everyone that wants a slight edge while competing for SPL tokens from SOL to USDC, GECKO, WIF etc will need these items to keep their game at the most competitive level.

Each chest can be opened and burnt to receive three usable items ranging between Common, Epic, Legendary and Mythical.

The Chests also have an 80%+ chance of allocating a governance token airdrop otherwise gated for institutional investors to the minting/holding wallets.



Chest minters/holders will be subject to screenshots of their wallets for a strong chance to receive a cumulative amount of governance tokens through an airdrop. The revenue distribution from the tournaments to the token holders is further explained in our Tournament Tokenomics whitepaper.

Each Chest can be opened to burn and receive three items that are usable in-game for a competitive edge in real money games.

When the lending platform is ready, holders will be able to put their items up for rent to newcomers.

Gated and private tournaments for holders only will be accessible with these items.

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